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Previous methods prevent the skin

Written By Testing Blog on Sunday, April 12, 2015 | 11:19 PM

Before that occurs on the face, is a dermatologist who has plagued human society today, especially young people, causing exposed skin is hard to see. One dose of Dermatology, can not escape the pain and left scars on the skin. Can occur all aspects of the layer adults during the 2 to 3 years.

Here is how to prevent acne on the skin:
1. Clean your face at least once a day, especially if you're in your teens. Excessive oil or fat will make the pores on your face brings bacteria before. It is best to not use soap to wash your face, but can also be replaced by a cleaning product face design model, especially in the treatment of Dermatology.

2-bit cautious about the weather. If it is in the hot temperatures make you sweat and grew fat on the skin. For normal solar protection creams can cause clogged pores, so it might be better for the use of such products protection for the face. With it, not trying to kill it because she wanted to get rid of skin cells from the face, it is very dangerous to the skin, which makes the skin color of copper.

3. Do not try to prevent the acne on your face! The back or your back is also an area prone to acne. It's a good idea to use cleaning products on it before you bathe or let it dry before you wear clothing Because acne treatment products that can cause stains bold tight fabric.

4- bit careful when you exercise! Not only because it can cause sweating prompted the emergence of fat in the pores, but also cause friction often, it can lead to acne.

5. careful with your diet a bit (fasting), the old urges' love snguonchamnei. While this is not the most important reason of the disorder in the past, in some fat much more because it has more oil on the face. To be better, should not eat this.

6. If you use makeup cover before it is crucial to remember that should clean it out that day. The painted decoration on the face can cause clogged pores if not cleaned it out.


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