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Audi washing techniques to smooth a few tacks?

Written By Testing Blog on Sunday, April 12, 2015 | 11:24 PM

Mark various scratch and scratch on the surface of his beloved Audi could be prevented by washing proper cleaning. Keywords for this, many car owners took the time to clean it almost forget their car but not washed, cleaned the same techniques.

Please advise how to wash cars Audi as follows:
- Water tank full.
- Shaded parking on the site before starting to clean or wash it in the morning to evening In short, when the temperatures cool down.

- Start from the car tires. Use the brush slightly larger and more nozzles spray it better. Switch, use a small brush to brush on the back California avocados. Use gloves without fingers would be soft brush chhkiel radius of the rear wheels. Check the entire Myanmar put and wash it to clear the dust and the Code to escape.

- Start from the top again and shot from the top down to clear out dust and mist in the area.

- Take a sponge and soap water in one of the two barrels. Start cleaning from top down. Clear from the back towards the front, and also does not mean that a single cleaning circle afford today Good.

- After scrubbing brush out sponge wrung the water off while brushing ready fast cleaning under. Scrub clean sponge in clean water tank 2.

Remove the spray nozzles and scrub clean drainage shot after you wash and fully.


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